Saturday, April 18, 2009

We've gone digital!

If you are reading these cartoons in the Times-Call and appreciate the focus on the local issues, PLEASE let the editor know. John Vahlenkamp 303-684-5239. Thanks for taking a look at my cartoons. Don't hesitate to ask me any question. From "I don't get it, can you explain?" to "You call yourself a cartoonist?" I'll post any questions or comments that you make. Thanks again for taking time to visit. Sam Wallace

I did this cartoon months ago. I am glad it finally got published. It's one of my favorites. My dad always does stuff like this, tells me a story about the past. Then I, with my short attention spand, tries to day dream what it was like and not be even close to how it was. Anyway, this ones for you dad.

On a serious note, I hope we aren't setting ourselves up for another dark age. We will be one EMP from loosing everything. From money, important documents, literature, movies, music to games. If we are depending on digital forms of all these things, it can all come to a halt very quickly. A EMP (Electronic Magnetic Pulse) wipes out electronics.
Published in the April 17th Times-Call.
Thanks for reading.

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