Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Four Corners Monument is Off it's Mark!

If you are reading these cartoons in the Times-Call and appreciate the focus on the local issues, PLEASE let the editor know. John Vahlenkamp 303-684-5239. Thanks for taking a look at my cartoons. Don't hesitate to ask me any question. From "I don't get it, can you explain?" to "You call yourself a cartoonist?" I'll post any questions or comments that you make. Thanks again for taking time to visit. Sam Wallace

This is a little funny to me. When I was a kid, vacations meant long hot car trips. To Kansas, Mesa Verde, and countless others. I didn't have hand held video games or a dvd player. All I remember is being bored the whole time. My initial idea for the cartoon was for the boy to be complaining about the long hot car ride to the middle of nowhere, just to find out it the spot was not even the right spot. It would make me a little mad if I where a kid, OK who am I kidding, I would be upset if I did that crazy long drive today. But I was told to edited it and make it a "pro-paper" cartoon. To me the "parental units" thing is kind of funny.
Till next time, Sam Published in the April 25th Times-Call Thanks for reading!

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