Friday, November 28, 2008

"IT" Flows down stream.

If you are reading these cartoons in the Times-Call and appreciate the focus on the local issues, PLEASE let the editor know. John Vahlenkamp 303-684-5239, or Call the TC Line 720-494-5485. You can even send an email to or express your opinion on a Time-Call Survey. Bottom line is... I enjoy doing cartoons for Longmont and northern Colorado and would love to continue to do so. Thanks for your help, Sam Wallace

If you ask me, Lyons is holding all the cards when it comes to a new and improved waste water treatment facility. Do the residents of Longmont really want Lyons to have a poor, old and fault water treatment plant. After all, Lyons waste water is Longmonts drinking water. I would think Lyons could hold the water for a very sizable ransom.
I got this idea from
and from Brigette Rodriguez
Published in the November 27, 2008 Times-Call Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gas Under $2.00!

If you are reading these cartoons in the Times-Call and appreciate the focus on the local issues, PLEASE let the editor know. John Vahlenkamp 303-684-5239, or Call the TC Line 720-494-5485. You can even send an email to or express your opinion on a Time-Call Survey. Bottom line is... I enjoy doing cartoons for Longmont and northern Colorado and would love to continue to do so. Thanks for your help, Sam Wallace

I did not think that I would ever see gas cheaper than $2.00 again. It's funny how quickly we can change our priorities win gas reaches near $5.00. I hope we don't fall back on our hungry for fuel ways. Let's work on more fuel efficiency and technology to make a better automobile. Published in the November 19, 2008 Times-Call Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The United States

If you are reading these cartoons in the Times-Call and appreciate the focus on the local issues, PLEASE let the editor know. John Vahlenkamp 303-684-5239, or Call the TC Line 720-494-5485. You can even send an email to or express your opinion on a Time-Call Survey. Bottom line is... I enjoy doing cartoons for Longmont and northern Colorado and would love to continue to do so. Thanks for your help, Sam Wallace
Let's get past the bickering, it's not very productive. Let's move forward and continuing to make our nation great. United we stand, divided we fall.
Print color.
I just saw the printing of this ad. The color is waaaaaaay off! Not sure why the color is so bad, please enjoy the digital version.
Published in the November 11, 2008 Times-Call Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sleding is fun!

Not really political, just kind of for fun. What's fun for you may not be fun for others.
Published in the Winter Longmont Magazine. Thanks for reading!