Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring time in Colorado

If you are reading these cartoons in the Times-Call and appreciate the focus on the local issues, PLEASE let the editor know. John Vahlenkamp 303-684-5239. Thanks for taking a look at my cartoons. Don't hesitate to ask me any question. From "I don't get it, can you explain?" to "You call yourself a cartoonist?" I'll post any questions or comments that you make. Thanks again for taking time to visit. Sam Wallace

Wow! This last storm hit us hard.
A true story. I carpool from Loveland to Longmont every day. On the day of the storm, we added a extra passenger due to the fact that he drives a little California Honda foo-foo car that is way to low to the ground. So as we are let out early (because of the blizzard) the 3 of us decide to have a friendly wager. How many cars will we see stranded on the side of the road between Longmont and Loveland. We discussed it and each of us came up with out guess. 3, 5 (my guess) and 7. (Guy from California) So here we are trecking through the snow, moving at a snails pace, and we start counting. By the time we reach Loveland we counted 9 cars of the road. The friendly bet went to the Californian transplant. He obviously knew that there are a lot more people from out of state than I thought. All kidding aside, I am glad that we did not see any serious accidents.
Till next time,
Published in the March 24th Times-Call Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Shoe Plates

If you are reading these cartoons in the Times-Call and appreciate the focus on the local issues, PLEASE let the editor know. John Vahlenkamp 303-684-5239. Thanks for taking a look at my cartoons. Don't hesitate to ask me any question. From "I don't get it, can you explain?" to "You call yourself a cartoonist?" I'll post any questions or comments that you make. Thanks again for taking time to visit. Sam Wallace

Do we really need license plates for bikes?
Published in the March 24th Times-Call Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Colorado Draught

If you are reading these cartoons in the Times-Call and appreciate the focus on the local issues, PLEASE let the editor know. John Vahlenkamp 303-684-5239. Thanks for taking a look at my cartoons. Don't hesitate to ask me any question. From "I don't get it, can you explain?" to "You call yourself a cartoonist?" I'll post any questions or comments that you make. Thanks again for taking time to visit. Sam Wallace

Can anyone tell me when we last had snow or rain? I have lived in Colorado all my life, and I can't recall such a dry winter. Published in the March 17th Times-Call Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

FasTrack Financial Short Fall

If you are reading these cartoons in the Times-Call and appreciate the focus on the local issues, PLEASE let the editor know. John Vahlenkamp 303-684-5239. Thanks for taking a look at my cartoons. Don't hesitate to ask me any question. From "I don't get it, can you explain?" to "You call yourself a cartoonist?" I'll post any questions or comments that you make. Thanks again for taking time to visit. Sam Wallace

FasTracks news seems to go from bad to worse.
Published in the March 10th Times-Call Thanks for reading!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fire at the Golden West Flour Mill

If you are reading these cartoons in the Times-Call and appreciate the focus on the local issues, PLEASE let the editor know. John Vahlenkamp 303-684-5239. Thanks for taking a look at my cartoons. Don't hesitate to ask me any question. From "I don't get it, can you explain?" to "You call yourself a cartoonist?" I'll post any questions or comments that you make. Thanks again for taking time to visit.
Sam Wallace

Some people look at old run down abandon buildings and get upset. Others don't even pay attention to them, maybe as a landmark or point of reference. To me, I think they are really cool. They show what the town used to be and where it came from. Is it sad to see abandoned? Yes, but it's still a cool building. Since the fire, I can't help but feel sad that a little bit of it has been destroyed for ever. I know every time I drive by it now, I am a bit disgusted.
Check out the stories at the Times-Call
Published in the March 6th Times-Call Thanks for reading!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Throw your TV out the window!

If you are reading these cartoons in the Times-Call and appreciate the focus on the local issues, PLEASE let the editor know. John Vahlenkamp 303-684-5239, or Call the TC Line 720-494-5485. You can even send an email to opinion@times-call.com or express your opinion on a Time-Call Survey. http://www.lehmanfyi.com/timescall/survey/. Bottom line is... I enjoy doing cartoons for Longmont and northern Colorado and would love to continue to do so. Thanks for your help, Sam Wallace

This digital TV thing is weird. Do we really need to go all digital? Could we be setting our selves up for a new dark age? Any way...(awkward pause) There are still people out there who don't have cable or satellite. Why are they being forced to have to buy something or a service just to get something that has always been free. Plus with the shortage of coupons and all the confusion of when the change over will happen, it makes me question why.
Published in the Summer, 2009 March 1 Times-Call Thanks for reading!
Here's the cartoon animated for the Times Call web site. http://www.timescall.com/editorial/editorial-archive.asp