If you ask me, Lyons is holding all the cards when it comes to a new and improved waste water treatment facility. Do the residents of Longmont really want Lyons to have a poor, old and fault water treatment plant. After all, Lyons waste water is Longmonts drinking water. I would think Lyons could hold the water for a very sizable ransom.
I got this idea from http://www.timescall.com/News_Story.asp?id=12027
and from Brigette Rodriguez http://www.examiner.com/x-517-Longmont-Examiner
Published in the November 27, 2008 Times-Call Thanks for reading!
and from Brigette Rodriguez http://www.examiner.com/x-517-Longmont-Examiner
Published in the November 27, 2008 Times-Call Thanks for reading!